The Search

The Search

3 Seasons

What is this journey in between the event we call “birth” and the one we call “death”? Is the journey taking you somewhere, or are you leading yourself to some kind of destination – a destination that could extend beyond your last breath? What do you want from your life during the in between? The questions are there. And, the answers are too.

Click here for a 1-minute trailer of The Search.

View "The Search" in Spanish - La Búsqueda

To offer The Search at your parish, visit our parish webpage which includes a free coordinator manual. Purchase The Search guides and journal at Catholic.Market/the-search/.

Have more questions answered in The Search Continues.

Purchase the men's participant guide:
Purchase the women's participant guide:
Purchase the parish participant guide:

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The Search
  • After The Search // Episode 1 // What Do You Seek?

    Episode 1

    Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'

    To rent or own episodes of The Search, click here

  • After the Search // Episode 2 // Who Are You?

    Episode 2

    "Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'

    To rent or own episodes of The Search, click here"

  • After the Search // Episode 3 // Why A God?

    Episode 3

    "Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'

    To rent or own episodes of The Search, click here"

  • After the Search // Episode 4 // What's Our Story?

    Episode 4

    Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'

    To rent or own episodes of The Search, click here

  • After the Search // Episode 5 // Who is Jesus?

    Episode 5

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they break open episode 5 of The Search and discuss, 'Who is Jesus?'

    To watch the rest of the series or to rent, own or give The Search to a friend, click here

  • After the Search // Episode 6 // Am I Saved?

    Episode 6

    Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'

    To rent or own episodes of The Search, click here

  • After the Search // Episode 7 // Why a Church?

    Episode 7

    Join Tim Gray and Chris Stefanick as they explore the themes of 'The Search' in 'After the Search.'

    To rent or own episodes of The Search, click here