At the end of the Preparation of the Offerings, the priest says to the people: "Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours (meum ac vestrum sacrificium) may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father." There are not two sacrifices. Rather, we share in the singular sacrifice of Christ, each in a unique way.
Up Next in The Elements of the Catholic Mass
The Mystery of Faith
During Mass, immediately after the consecration of the Bread and Wine, the priest, with the Eucharist on the altar in front of him says, "The mystery of faith." Why is this done? What does it mean?
The Bow Before Receiving Holy Communion
People often ask, "What is the proper gesture before receiving Holy Communion?" The answer is actually very clear and simple. It can be found in the General Instruction of The Roman Missal at paragraph 160. The communicant makes a bow of the head before receiving the Body of the Lord and before r...
The Liturgical Movement
In essence, the liturgical movement is the effort on the part of the Church to help the faithful participate better at Mass. This meant, initially, that the people would participate in the singing and in giving the responses. Over the course of time, the Church realized that it is important that ...