Christians are attacked by the imperial authorities, by the public opinion through slander, and by pagan intellectuals. How did they react? Not with violence, but by conquering minds and hearts. This was achieved mainly by the shining figures of the Apostolic Fathers, building stones of the Christian tradition. Special focus on the danger of Gnosticism, and the Apocryphal writings. Who were the Apologist Fathers? How was their dialogue with the pagan culture?
Up Next in Season 1
The Threat of the Heresy | The Early ...
Who was Arius? Why was his doctrine so influential in the Roman world? The errors around the concepts of Jesus God and Jesus Man. The rapid spread of the Arian heresy fueled by power politics. Its geographical expansion and its permanence in time spells deep fears and new ideas on how to prevent ...
Constantine and The End of the Persec...
The so-called "giving up" of the Church to the Secular Power is a recurrent theme throughout history. In this episode we shall discover the truth about Emperor Constantine and how he gave liberty to the Christians. And how, while granting them religious freedom, he tried to exert control over the...
Saint Augustine, A Light in the Darkn...
We discover the adventurous life of one of the World's most powerful minds. His works would inspire philosophy and theology and became a pillar of western culture. This wayward youth from Carthage would be Saint Augustine. Long years of missteps and tireless search for truth led him from Manichae...
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