The Book of Saints and Heroes by Andrew & Lenora Lang
The first Christians to visit Europe and the British Isles met pagans who told tales of fairies, talking beasts, and other wonderful things. To these marvelous stories, they soon added new ones about the Christian saints. Some were true, others improbable, and many simply fantastic. In the ones we include here, you'll meet the saint who spent seven Easters on a whale's back and the amiable lion who was St. Jerome's friend. You'll see St. George fight the dragon, and you'll read about the fierce wolf St. Francis of Assisi converted. But many of these stories have in them scarcely a wave of the fairy wand. So you'll also find here true tales of great saints such as St. Louis of France, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Francis Xavier, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary—souls marked by courage, kindness, and piety. These marvelous legends and exciting true stories of Christian saints and heroes will provide many hours of delightful reading to believers and non-believers alike!
Read the Exciting stories of:
St. Anthony
St. Augustine
St. Paul
St. Brendan
St. Colette
St. Columba
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Cuthbert
St. Dorothea
St. Dunstan
St. Richard of Chichester
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis Xavier
St. Louis IX
St. Jerome
St. Margaret of Scotland
St. George
St. John of God
St. Malchus
St. Senan
St. Simeon Stylites
St. Vincent de Paul, and others
Age Range: 8 and up
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