The Bible Project

The Bible Project

18 Seasons

A collection of content from the Bible Project, which aims to help people see the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.

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The Bible Project
  • The Parables of Jesus | How to Read Biblical Narrative | The Bible Project

    Episode 1

    Jesus of Nazareth was a master storyteller, and many of his most well-known teachings were told as parables. But these stories were designed to do much more than simply \"teach.\" Jesus said the parables were designed to both reveal and conceal his message about the arrival of God's Kingdom. In t...

  • Plot | How to Read Biblical Narrative | The Bible Project

    Episode 2

    An important part of reading biblical narratives is learning how to understand the nature of \"the plot,\" how stories are arranged into a pattern of conflict and resolution. In this video we'll see how ignoring the sequence of the plot can lead to a distorted interpretation of biblical stories. ...

  • Design Patterns | How to Read Biblical Narrative | The Bible Project

    Episode 3

    Design patterns are one of the key ways the biblical authors have unified the storyline of the Bible. Individual stories across the Old and New Testaments have been coordinated through repeated words and parallel themes. These patterns highlight core themes of the biblical story and show how it a...

  • The Gospel | How to Read Biblical Narrative | The Bible Project

    Episode 4

    The New Testament contains four ancient biographies of Jesus of Nazareth, and altogether they are called “the Gospel.” Each one tells the story as an announcement of good news that the crucified and risen Jesus is the true ruler of the nations. In this video, we explore why these accounts were wr...

  • Proverbs | Wisdom: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 5

    This book is the accumulation of wisdom from generations of godly insightful people. It promotes a life of virtue and “fear of the Lord,” so that you can truly experience the good life. Proverbs is one of the three books that explore these themes of biblical wisdom.

    The Bible Project is a nonpro...

  • Job | Wisdom: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 6

    How do you trust God even when life isn’t fair and you suffer for no good reason? Job’s story invites us to consider what it means that God runs the world by wisdom, and how this truth can bring peace in dark times. Job is the last of the three books that explore these themes of biblical wisdom.

  • Ecclesiastes | Wisdom: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 7

    In this book we hear the skeptical voice of “the teacher.” He observes that living by the book of Proverbs doesn’t always bring positive results. Sometimes life is hard and defies neat explanations. How do you live with that tension, and still strive for wisdom? Ecclesiastes is the second of the ...

  • Psalm 148 | Creation: Visual Commentaries | The Bible Project

    Episode 8

    In this video, we explore Psalm 148 and God’s promise to raise up a king who will bring victory to Israel and rescue the world.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Through dynamic and engaging videos, they aim to present the story of the Bible as a unif...

  • Psalm 8 | Creation: Visual Commentaries | The Bible Project

    Episode 9

    What exactly is the role of humans in the story of the Bible? Why does God care so much about us as powerless, created beings, and why are we compared to babbling babies in Psalm 8? In this video, we explore a fascinating biblical poem and discover deep insight into God’s purpose for humanity and...

  • Proverbs 8 | Creation: Visual Commentaries | The Bible Project

    Episode 10

    Proverbs 8 portrays wisdom as a woman who calls people to learn her ways and find life. In this video, we ask, Whose wisdom do we choose to live by?

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Through dynamic and engaging videos, they aim to present the story o...

  • Genesis 1 | Creation: Visual Commentaries | The Bible Project

    Episode 11

    How is our interpretation of the creation story in Genesis 1 deepened when we consider its ancient historical and cultural context? In this Bible commentary video, we look at how the literary design of Genesis 1 reveals God’s ideal vision for the whole cosmos.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit gr...

  • John 1 | Creation: Visual Commentaries | The Bible Project

    Episode 12

    John begins his Gospel account by introducing Jesus as the Word of God, echoing the opening chapters of Genesis, where God created life through his spoken word. This beginning was good, but when God’s creatures rejected his instructions, all creation spiraled into death. The world needed a new be...

  • NT Letters: Literary Context | How To Read Biblical Prose | The Bible Project

    Episode 13

    In the New Testament, there are 21 letters written by early Christian leaders to communities of Jesus' followers in the ancient Roman world. These letters are rich with theology and guidance for what it means to be a community of Jesus followers, but they can also be dense and hard to understand....

  • NT Letters: Historical Context | How to Read Biblical Prose | The Bible Project

    Episode 14

    In the New Testament, there are 21 letters or epistles written by early Christian leaders to communities of Jesus' followers in the ancient Roman world. A wise reading of these letters involves learning about their historical context. Who were the letters written to, where did the recipients live...

  • The Law | How To Read Biblical Prose | The Bible Project

    Episode 15

    Have you ever wondered why there are so many ancient biblical laws in the first books of the Bible? What are modern readers supposed to do with them, and why are some of them so odd? In this video, we explore why the laws were given to ancient Israel and how they fit into the overall storyline of...

  • Angel of the Lord | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 16

    The Angel of the Lord is one of the most fascinating spiritual beings in the Hebrew Scriptures. Every time this figure appears, he’s depicted as if he is God, but also an angel sent by God. In this video, we explore this paradoxical character and discover how he prepares us for the grand claims t...

  • Satan and Demons | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 17

    The storyline of the Bible presents a populated spiritual world, full of creatures who are in rebellion against their Creator, just like humans. For lots of fascinating reasons, our modern conceptions of these spiritual rebels are based on serious misunderstandings of the Bible. So let’s go back ...

  • The New Humanity | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 18

    In the opening pages of the Bible, God appoints humans to rule the world on his behalf. But when they rebel, the biblical story leads us on a search for a new humanity that will be God’s faithful partners, forever. This is the plot conflict of the biblical story that leads to Jesus, and we explor...

  • Introduction to Spiritual Beings | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 19

    In the first pages of the Bible, we’re introduced to God and humans as the main characters. But there’s also a whole cast of spiritual beings who play an important role throughout the Bible, though they’re often in the background. In this video, we begin to explore these beings and how they fit i...

  • Elohim | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 20

    Did you know that the biblical word for God is actually a title and not a name? And did you know that this title can refer to other spiritual beings as well as to the creator God? In this video, we explore the biblical terminology for spiritual beings and how this helps us understand what the Bib...

  • Divine Council | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 21

    What on earth is the divine council? Well, for starters, it’s not on earth! This biblical phrase describes the concept of spiritual powers that God created to have authority alongside humans... until everyone rebels and creates huge problems that only Jesus can resolve. We dig into all of this an...

  • Angels and Cherubim | Spiritual Beings: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 22

    Did you know that angels in the Bible don’t have wings? Or that cherubim are not cute, chubby babies? In this video, we explore the biblical portrayals of these spiritual beings to understand just who they are and what role they play in the story of the Bible.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit gr...