The Bible Project

The Bible Project

18 Seasons

A collection of content from the Bible Project, which aims to help people see the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.

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The Bible Project
  • Royal Priests of Eden | Royal Priest: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 1

    Did you know that Israel’s tabernacle tent was designed as a symbolic garden of Eden? And did you know that Adam and Eve were proto-priests who lived and worked in the sacred space? In this video, we explore God’s plan for humanity to serve as royal priests over all creation and how the story of ...

  • David the Priestly King | Royal Priest: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 2

    By the time Israel becomes a nation, their priesthood is already totally corrupt. So the people ask for a king to lead them and God anoints David. In this video, we’ll explore David’s role as a priestly king and his failure to live up to this calling. The story of David ultimately points to the a...

  • Moses and Aaron | Royal Priest: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 3

    After God appoints Moses to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of slavery, they come to Mount Sinai, where God invites them to become “a kingdom of priests.” But things do not go as planned for the Israelites. In this video, we explore the beginning of the failed priesthood and the need...

  • Jesus the Royal Priest | Royal Priest: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 4

    After humanity’s failure as the royal priests of Eden, God promises that one of their descendants will intervene on their behalf to restore the blessings of Eden. Throughout Israel’s story, God raises up leaders to be this royal priest, but they all fall short. But their stories point forward to ...

  • The Royal Priesthood | Royal Priest: Themes | The Bible Project

    Episode 5

    After Jesus’ disciples receive the Holy Spirit, they become God’s temple and the physical embodiment of Jesus on Earth. The New Testament writers show us that followers of Jesus carry the responsibility to live as royal priests forward into eternity, reclaiming the lost calling God gave humanity ...

  • What is the Bible? | Intro to Reading the Bible | The Bible Project

    Episode 6

    This is episode 1 of an ongoing series that explores the origins, content, and purpose of the Bible. Here you'll be introduced to a condensed history of how the Bible came into existence, and the different forms of the Bible in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian traditions.

    The Bib...

  • Literary Styles | Intro to Reading the Bible | The Bible Project

    Episode 7

    Episode 3 shows how reading the Bible wisely requires that we learn about the ancient literary styles used by the biblical authors. These writers expressed their ideas and claims through a variety of different type of literature, and this video will explore why it's important to tell them apart s...

  • Jewish Meditation Literature | Intro to Reading the Bible | The Bible Project

    Episode 8

    Episode 4 explores the unique literary style of the Bible that is meant to draw its readers into a lifelong journey of reading and meditation. The Bible is designed as a multi-layered work, offering new levels of insight as you re-read it and allow each part to help you understand every other par...

  • The Story of the Bible | Intro to Reading the Bible | The Bible Project

    Episode 9

    Episode 2 summarizes the overall story of the Bible as a series of crossroad decisions. All humanity, followed by the Israelites, redefine good and evil and end up in Babylon. They are followed by Jesus, who takes a different path that opens up the way to a new creation.

    The Bible Project is a n...

  • Genesis: Part 2 of 2 | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 10

    God makes a promise that He will bless all nations through Abraham's family. But with aging husbands, impatient matriarchs, blessing-stealing children, and jealous siblings who keep mucking things up, how will God's promise prevail?

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading t...

  • Deuteronomy | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 11

    Moses delivers his final words of warning and wisdom to the Israelites before they enter the promised land. This is the epic conclusion of the Torah! And, spoiler alert: Moses dies.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Through dynamic and engaging videos...

  • Exodus: Part 1 of 2 | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 12

    The first part of Exodus recounts how Abraham’s family ends up enslaved in Egypt. God raises up a deliverer to confront the evil of Pharaoh and to liberate the Israelites. From Egypt, they set out into the wilderness on the way to Mt. Sinai.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to sp...

  • Numbers | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 13

    A road-trip gone bad. Israel leaves Mt. Sinai only to rebel against God at every step. God responds with short-term severity and long-term generosity as He leads them into the promised land.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Through dynamic and engagi...

  • Exodus: Part 2 of 2 | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 14

    The Israelites come to Mt. Sinai, where God invites them into a covenant relationship. He wants to make them his representatives to all the nations and come to personally live in their midst. But Israel rebels by making an idol of the golden calf, which is just a really bad idea.

    The Bible Proje...

  • Leviticus | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 15

    God invites Israel to live in close proximity to His holy presence. Which seems awesome, but it’s actually dangerous. This book explores how the sacrificial rituals and purity practices cleared the way for morally corrupt Israelites to become God’s covenant partners.

    The Bible Project is a nonpr...

  • Genesis: Part 1 of 2 | Torah: Book Collections | The Bible Project

    Episode 16

    God makes a good world and installs humans as its rulers. Humanity rebels and ends up ruling the world in a destructive way, leading to violence, death, and the founding of the city of Babylon. God’s response is to set in motion a plan to rescue and bless the whole world through the family of Abr...

  • Exodus 34:6-7 | Character of God: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 17

    Biblical authors often referenced and quoted their favorite parts of Scripture, and the list of God's character traits found in Exodus 34:6-7 is the most repeated and re-quoted text in the Bible. In this video, we'll explore this foundational description of God's attributes that illustrates what ...

  • Loyal Love | Character of God: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 18

    The Hebrew word khesed is one of the most common descriptions of God in the Hebrew Bible, and it’s almost impossible to translate into any other language! This word is rich with meaning, combining the ideas of love, loyalty, and generosity. Join us as we explore this fascinating Hebrew word and h...

  • Grace | Character of God: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 19

    What does it mean to say that the God of the Bible is gracious? In this video, we’ll look at the Hebrew words for grace and understand it to be a rich concept that has profound implications for how we see God. When we look to the biblical meaning of grace and understand God as gracious, we see a ...

  • Slow to Anger | Character of God: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 20

    What does it mean to say that God is slow to anger? In the Bible, God’s anger is a just response to human evil, which is motivated by God’s justice and love. In this video, we’ll explore God’s anger and justice in the biblical story and see how it all leads to Jesus.

    The Bible Project is a nonpr...

  • Faithful | Character of God: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 21

    The word \"emet\" is a common word used to describe God in the Bible. It can be translated as “faithfulness” or “truth.” So when the authors say that God is “full of emet,” they are saying that he is trustworthy—we can trust him. But trusting isn’t always an easy thing. In this video, we look at ...

  • Compassion | Character of God: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 22

    The word “compassionate” is the very first word God uses to describe himself to Moses on Mount Sinai. It might be surprising to learn that compassion is a deeply emotional word—one used to convey the strong bond between a parent and their child. God is portrayed as a compassionate parent througho...

  • Setting | How to Read Biblical Narrative | The Bible Project

    Episode 23

    Every story has to take place somewhere, and very often locations have a special meaning or significance evoked by events that already took place there. In this video, we explore how biblical authors use settings in narrative to meet the reader's expectations or mess with them. Paying attention t...

  • Character | How to Read Biblical Narrative | The Bible Project

    Episode 24

    Most of us think of characters in the Bible as either sinners or saints, good or bad. At least that’s how Bible stories are presented to children. In this video, we’ll explore the ways biblical authors present characters as more complex and morally compromised than we usually imagine.

    The Bible ...