The Bible Project

The Bible Project

18 Seasons

A collection of content from the Bible Project, which aims to help people see the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.

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The Bible Project
  • Malachi | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 1

    Watch our overview video on the book of Malachi, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Malachi accuses Israel of selfishness after the exile and announces that the day of the Lord will purify Israel and prepare them for God's kingdom.

    The Bible ...

  • Zechariah | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 2

    Watch our overview video on the book of Zechariah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Zechariah's visions foster hope in the future promise of the messianic kingdom and challenge Israel after the exile to remain faithful to God.

    The Bible Pro...

  • Obadiah | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 3

    Watch our overview video on the book of Obadiah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Obadiah announces Edom's downfall to Babylon, which is an image of how God will bring down all arrogant and violent nations.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicate...

  • Micah | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 4

    Watch our overview video on the book of Micah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Micah announces that God's justice is coming in order to create a new future of love and faithfulness on the other side of Israel's sin and exile.

    The Bible Pro...

  • Joel | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 5

    Watch our overview video on the book of Joel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Joel reflects on the "Day of the Lord" and how true repentance will bring about the great restoration hoped for in the other prophetic books.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit ...

  • Amos | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 6

    Watch our overview video on the book of Amos, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Amos accuses Israel of breaking their covenant with God and highlights how their idolatry has led to injustice and the neglect of the poor.

    The Bible Project is ...

  • Jonah | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 7

    Watch our overview video on the book of Jonah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The book of Jonah is a subversive story about a rebellious prophet who despises his God for loving his enemies.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading ...

  • Hosea | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 8

    Watch our overview video on the book of Hosea, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, Hosea accuses Israel of breaking their covenant with God and warns them of the tragic consequences to follow.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated t...

  • Ezekiel Part 1 | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 9

    Watch our overview video on the first part of the book of Ezekiel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Among the exiles in Babylon, Ezekiel shows that Israel deserved this judgment, and also that God’s justice creates hope for the future.

    The Bible Project ...

  • Daniel | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 10

    Watch our overview video on the book of Daniel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. The story of Daniel motivates faithfulness despite exile in Babylon. His visions offer hope that God will bring all nations under His rule.

    This video only covers a portion ...

  • Ezekiel Part 2 | Old Testament: Book Overviews | The Bible Project

    Episode 11

    Watch our overview video on the second part of the book of Ezekiel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Among the exiles in Babylon, Ezekiel shows that Israel deserved this judgment, and also that God’s justice creates hope for the future.

    The Bible Project...

  • Khata/Sin | Bad Words: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 12

    The word “sin” is one of the most common bad words in the Bible, but what does it really mean? In this video, we’ll explore the concept of “moral failure” that underlies this important biblical word. Get ready to discover a profound and realistic portrait of the human condition.

    The Bible Projec...

  • Avon/Iniquity | Bad Words: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 13

    Iniquity is a biblical word that very few people use anymore, and even fewer people know what it means! In this video, we’ll explore the significance of this word in ancient Hebrew, and discover a whole new way to think about our selfish decisions and their consequences.

    The Bible Project is a n...

  • Pesha/Transgression | Bad Words: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 14

    \"Transgression\" is one of those Bible words that seems clear until you have to explain it to somebody. In this video, we'll explore the fascinating and sophisticated meaning of this biblical \"bad word.\" Get ready for a sobering reflection on human nature.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit gro...

  • Poetry | How to Read Biblical Poetry | The Bible Project

    Episode 15

    Did you know that a third of the Bible is ancient Israelite poetry? Poetry is a rich and artistic form of human communication, but often the most difficult to read. In this video we’ll explore the unique characteristics of biblical poetry, so you can discover its beauty and power for yourself.


  • Poetic Metaphor | How to Read Biblical Poetry | The Bible Project

    Episode 16

    Understanding how metaphors are used in the Bible is an essential tool for reading biblical poetry. Anytime someone describes one thing to describe another thing, they are using metaphorical thinking whether they realize it or not. Metaphors are everywhere in the Bible and in our everyday speech....

  • The Prophets | How to Read Biblical Poetry | The Bible Project

    Episode 17

    The books of the Old Testament prophets are packed with dense poetry and wild imagery. If you’ve tried to read them, odds are you were both intrigued and confused. In this video, we’ll learn how these books contribute to the storyline of the Bible and why it’s worth learning how to read them more...

  • The Book of Psalms | How to Read Biblical Poetry | The Bible Project

    Episode 18

    The book of Psalms is the largest collection of poetry in the Bible. In this video we’ll explore the design shape and main themes of this marvelous book, which was crafted to be read from beginning to end. The Psalms are an invitation to a literary temple where you can meet with God and hear the ...

  • The Books of Solomon | How to Read Biblical Poetry | The Bible Project

    Episode 19

    The wisest king of Israel, King Solomon, is associated with three books of the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Each book offers a unique perspective on how humans can rule with wisdom and the fear of the Lord. In this video, we briefly explore how the message of each book fi...

  • Apocalyptic Literature | How to Read Biblical Poetry | The Bible Project

    Episode 20

    It’s the apocalypse! But what exactly does that mean? The Bible is filled with dreams and visions about human history coming to a climax, and they’re usually packed with intense imagery and strange symbols. In this video, we’ll explore the meaning of the word “apocalypse” in the Bible, and we’ll ...

  • Chara/Joy | Advent: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 21

    In this video, we explore the unique type of joy to which God’s people are called. It’s more than happy mood, but rather a choice to trust that God will fulfill his promises.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading the Word of God. Through dynamic and engaging videos, they ...

  • Shalom/Peace | Advent: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 22

    \"Peace\" is a very common word in English, that means different things to different people. It's also a very important word in the Bible that refers not only to the absence of conflict but also to the presence of something else. In this video, we'll explore the core meaning of biblical peace and...

  • Yakhal/Hope | Advent: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 23

    In the Bible people who have hope are very different from optimists! In this video, we’ll explore how biblical hope looks to God’s character alone as a basis for trusting that the future will be better than the present.

    The Bible Project is a nonprofit group dedicated to spreading the Word of Go...

  • Agape/Love | Advent: Word Studies | The Bible Project

    Episode 24

    The word “love” is one of the sloppiest words in our language, as it primarily refers to a feeling that happens to a person. In the New Testament, “love” refers to a way of treating people that was defined by Jesus himself: seeking the well-being of others regardless of their response.

    The Bible...