The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar

The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar

0 Episodes

Hola! I'm Carlos Caterpillar! I'm just like you—except, of course, I'm a caterpillar. I love to have fun! And since I'm young, I'm still learning about life, so sometimes I get myself in situations that can be hard to wriggle out of! Ay, ay, ay! That's why I'm lucky to have Uncle Pedro, a butterfly with a lifetime of experience that he is always willing to share. Uncle Pedro remembers what it was like to be a little caterpillar that is just beginning to learn about life, and he is patient with me while I learn. He always reminds me how important it is to do the right thing because he wants me to grow up to be the best butterfly I can possibly be. And so do I!

Do YOU want to be the very best YOU can possibly be? Then come with ME and worm your way into "The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar!" Come on! It'll be fun!

The Adventures of Carlos Caterpillar