Suggested Content for Wednesday

Suggested Content for Wednesday

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Suggested Content for Wednesday
  • Grow to Sleep

    After installing a new telephone, Benjamin Cello receives a “Macedonian Call” for help from Cowboy Roy: little Lambkin has eaten a whole bag of coffee beans, and he’s bouncing off the walls with worry about a Monster in the hay. It will take David, the Shepherd Boy, and ancient words from another...

  • Daily Reflections — October 30, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on the keys to entering by the narrow gate.

    We invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Formed and other Augustine Institute initiatives. If you’d like to donate, please visit our website using this link:

    Help us share the truth and b...

  • October 30, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings

    Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting

    Watch Dr. Tim Gray's Daily Reflections here:

    Help us share th...

  • Not Self-Help | Lectio: Salvation | Episode 1

    Jesus came to earth to save us! We affirm that truth every time we say the Nicene Creed at Mass: he came down from Heaven "for our salvation." But what does that mean? In this first episode, Dr. Michael Barber explains why every Catholic should understand the importance of salvation: not just for...

  • Why did God command us to honor our parents?

    Even Jesus, who is God, saw obedience to His parents’ authority as honoring God’s authority. The catechism says in paragraph 2197, “The fourth commandment opens the second table of the Decalogue. It shows us the order of charity.”

    The order of charity means that God wants us to honor and love H...

  • Daily Reflections — October 23, 2024

    Action Item: Examine if you see your talents and treasures as belong to the Lord or yourself.

    We invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Formed and other Augustine Institute initiatives. If you’d like to donate, please visit our website using this link:


  • October 23, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings

    Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting

    Watch Dr. Tim Gray's Daily Reflections here:

    Help us share th...

  • Generosity | The Catholic Parent | Episode 5

    Tithing. Maybe you've heard the word before, but what is it? What does it really mean to tithe?

    In this episode, we explore tithing—our obligation to provide for the Church's material needs—and examine how generosity bears fruit in our lives. Join other Catholic parents and enter into the story ...

  • Generosity | Themes | The Bible Project

    In the story of the Bible, God is depicted as a generous host who provides for the needs of his guests. However, humans live from a mindset of scarcity and hoard God’s many gifts. In this video, we explore God’s plan for overcoming our selfishness by giving the ultimate gift of himself in the per...

  • Daily Reflections — October 16, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect upon the difference between the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit.

    We invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Formed and other Augustine Institute initiatives. If you’d like to donate, please visit our website using this link:

  • October 16, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings

    Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting

    Watch Dr. Tim Gray's Daily Reflections here:

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  • The Sacred Heart of Jesus

    Using passages from Sacred Scripture, Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers discuss the Church's teaching on the Sacred Heart and the background of the devotion.

  • Discernment and the Holy Spirit

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger for a conversation on discerning God's path, making decisions and listening to the Holy Spirit.

  • Daily Reflections — October 9, 2024

    Action Item: See prayer as a relationship with your Father and seek to do his will.

    We invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Formed and other Augustine Institute initiatives. If you’d like to donate, please visit our website using this link:

    Help us sh...

  • October 9, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings

    Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting

    Watch Dr. Tim Gray's Daily Reflections here:

    Help us share th...

  • Prayer, On Earth as It Is in Heaven | Symbolon | Session 15

    Prayer is the lifeblood of the Christian soul and an intimate conversation with God. The heart that responds to Christ’s summons, “Follow me,” does so with a view towards eternity. Learn what it means to come before God as a child, ready to receive his love and respond to his call to follow him e...

  • Daily Reflections — Feast of the Guardian Angels — October 2, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on the reality that God owes you nothing and that you owe God everything.

    We invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Formed and other Augustine Institute initiatives. If you’d like to donate, please visit our website using this link:

  • October 2, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings

    Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting

    Watch Dr. Tim Gray's Daily Reflections here:

    Help us share th...

  • Choirs of Angels, Archangels, & Guardian Angels  | Angels & Saints | Episode 4

    How do we know angels exist, and where do we learn about them? What are the different types of angels? How do we relate to our guardian angels? Join Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp to dive into these questions and more.

    Purchase Dr. Klein's book Angels and Saints: Who They Are and Why They M...

  • Who Are the Angels?

    Dr. Ben Akers sits down with Dr. Mark Miravalle, Saint John Paul II Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University of Steubenville, to discuss the angels. What is an angel? What are the choirs of angels? How do we engage with our guardian angels?

    Purchase Dr. Mark Miravalle's Books:
    - Meet Your Mo...

  • Daily Reflections — September 25, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on the courage it takes to resist falsehood.

    We invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting Formed and other Augustine Institute initiatives. If you’d like to donate, please visit our website using this link:

    Help us share the truth and ...

  • September 25, 2024 | Daily Mass Readings

    Start your day with God's Word by listening to the Catholic Mass readings. Sign up to receive these videos with reflections from Dr. Tim Gray directly to your inbox by visiting

    Watch Dr. Tim Gray's Daily Reflections here:

    Help us share th...

  • The Martyrs | Littlest Saints

    When a young Christian girl is arrested and imprisoned in ancient Rome, she hears stories of martyrs like St. Catherine of Alexandria and St. Lawrence the Deacon—will she find the strength to make the ultimate sacrifice for her faith?

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  • A Surprising New World | The Sermon on the Mount

    Learn the meaning of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. Explore how Jesus was bringing Heaven to Earth and ushering in the Kingdom of God.