Join Dr. John Sehorn and Taylor Kemp as they talk about St. John the Baptist, the forerunner to Christ. In this episode, they discuss the Nativity of John the Baptist, how the Old Testament illuminates who St. John the Baptist is, and how he prepares for Jesus.
Discussion Question: St. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ. How is God calling you to prepare his way so that those in your life can encounter Jesus?
Up Next in Suggested Content for Saturday
What is baptism?
Did you know Baptism changes us? Baptism gives us a new life, brings us into God’s family–the Church, and changes us radically and permanently. And more than that, Baptism allows God himself to dwell in our souls. This is why Jesus tells us that Baptism is necessary for salvation. Because it begi...
Daily Reflections — St. Elizabeth Ann...
Action Item: Pray about who you can introduce to Jesus this year.
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January 4, 2025 — St. Elizabeth Ann S...
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