Springs of Love Foster & Adoption Stories

Springs of Love Foster & Adoption Stories

7 Episodes

Springs of Love encourages, educates, and equips Catholics to discern and live out the call to foster and adopt. As Catholics, we know how God has adopted us into His own family. This deeply rooted understanding gives us a new lens on His generosity and love as it shines through in the lives of those touched by fostering and adoption. This series features inspiring real stories of vulnerable children and the families who love them.

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Springs of Love Foster & Adoption Stories
  • Laura & Kyle’s Family Story: Love Does Hard Things | Springs of Love

    After suffering six miscarriages, Laura & Kyle share how the Lord prepared their hearts “to love children who needed love” through fostering and adoption. They discuss how beautifully their family has expanded to include not only the children they have fostered and adopted, but their birth parent...

  • Kristina and Josh's Story: One Big Family | A Fostering Story | Springs of Love

    One Big Family tells the moving story of a birth father, Josh, who fought to get his boys back after getting out of prison. PJ and Kristina, the foster parents caring for his two boys, didn’t realize how inviting children in foster care into their home would stretch their hearts to love not only ...

  • Tori's Story | Springs of Love

    Episode 1

    Tori Hope Peterson is an inspiring former foster youth who shares her heart-wrenching experience of living with a mother with mental illness, being separated from her sister, moving through 12 foster homes and eventually aging out of the system. Her life was transformed by a track coach who belie...

  • The Henkel Family Story | Springs of Love

    Episode 2

    Kimberly & Greg Henkel struggled with infertility before feeling called to open their hearts to foster. The Lord blessed their openness with the opportunity to foster and adopt a baby boy, and, soon after, adopt twin girls just five months younger. Since fostering and adopting their fourth child,...

  • The Baird Family Story | Springs of Love

    Episode 3

    Labor and delivery nurse Stephanie Baird saw the gap into which babies born addicted were falling. She and her husband, Joseph, after a nudge from his wife, started the process of welcoming foster children into their family of five. Now they have adopted their fourth child and are astounded at ...

  • God Plays A Long Game | Springs of Love

    Episode 6

    Kate Stapleton, a harpist, was 21 when she faced an unplanned pregnancy and chose to place her child in an open adoption. Her daughter, now grown, recently graduated from Franciscan University and performs in the band Acaciawood. Together, they share their story.

  • The Chapmans Family Story | Springs of Love

    After struggling two years with infertility, best-selling Catholic author Emily Stimpson Chapman and her husband Christopher, a theology teacher, asked themselves this question. What did they want more: to be pregnant or to be parents? Their answer led to the couple adopting three babies over the...