Do campaigns actually make a difference? Father Mark-Mary discusses how charity campaigns will actually aid financial gifts in the future if done consistently and authentically.
Up Next in Loving and Serving the Poor with Fr. Mark Mary Ames, CFR
Chapter 17: Foreign Mission Trips
Finally, Father explores the benefits and impact of foreign mission trips in the overall mission of your parish in service to the poor.
Chapter 18: Introduction
The most challenging aspect of inviting others to serve the poor is the various obstacles that keep people from showing up. Fr. Mark-Mary addresses the five most common obstacles in people’s hearts that explain why they struggle to serve the poor consistently. He then proposes solutions to each t...
Chapter 19: Indifference
Indifference is the first obstacle to overcome, and Fr. Mark-Mary proposes that actual contact with the poor will be the solution to dispelling indifference and fostering compassion.