Real + True (English)

Real + True (English)

40 Seasons

What is Real + True? The Catechism is not a textbook, a collection of ideas, or a set of rules. It is the faithful echo of a God who wishes to reveal himself to us and desires us to respond.

Our mission is to pass down the gift of our faith by creating beautiful, captivating, and relevant content inspired by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And we are making this content in multiple languages and accessible for free to people all over the world.

Our name is a reference to the real and true God. In Jesus, God is real. He is someone, not something. He’s a person who knows us and understands us. He walked this earth and showed us how to live and love. He is also the Truth, and his light guides our path and leads us to everlasting life. Real+True is a part of The Catechism Project, a global initiative sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor, under the patronage of the Holy See, and supported by people who join our mission.

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Real + True (English)
  • What does it mean to have a relationship with God?

    Episode 1

    This video poses some big questions: What is the cure for loneliness? What’s your identity? What is Christianity about? Sneak peek: these questions have the same answer. And this answer has the power to change our lives, and our world. Watch to discover the heart of the Gospel, the hope for our w...

  • Was Jesus a Real Person (or Really God)?

    Episode 2

    There are many historical figures who made an impact on the world. Perhaps we think of Jesus in this line up. While other religious figures have claimed to find “a” way to heaven or enlightenment, Jesus comes and makes the radical claim that HE is THE way, the truth, and the life. If Jesus was ma...

  • Why did God become man?

    Episode 3

    If you’ve ever felt like God was far away, you’re not alone. Actually, even God knows this. The distance between us and God is such a big deal to God that he did something about it. He entered into our world. We call this the Incarnation. There are four major reasons why God decided to break into...

  • Jesus Christ is true God and true man.

    Episode 4

    Dive into Unit 7, which brings to focus the center of our faith: Jesus Christ. Explore the heart of the Catechism as your hosts Emily and Edmund explain how these videos can be used to share the faith. Learn about a strategy change for the Proclamation video, and learn what lines are “worth the w...

  • R+T_Guide-Unit7.pdf

    1.96 MB