Proclaiming the Kingdom: The Gospel of Matthew
The audio course "Proclaiming the Kingdom" systematically unpacks the riches of the Gospel of Matthew. Sometimes called "the Gospel of the Kingdom" because of its central theme, Matthew was the most often quoted of the four gospels in the writings of the early Church Fathers. These talks were originally delivered to an audience of priests and deacons on retreat at St. Vincent's Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. They are both theologically rich and eminently practical. To get the most out of these presentations by Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Dr. John Bergsma, you should read the chapters of Matthew once through before listening to the lecture.
Proclaiming the Kingdom: The Gospel of Matthew
The audio course "Proclaiming the Kingdom" systematically unpacks the riches of the Gospel of Matthew. Sometimes called "the Gospel of the Kingdom" because of its central theme, Matthew was the most often quoted of the four gospels in the writings of the early Church Fathers. These talks were ori...