Respect Life Month

  • The New Conversation: Changing Hearts & Minds on Abortion by Stephanie Gray

    Stephanie Gray is a passionate and uncompromising defender of the Catholic Faith, as well as an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. She frequently travels across Canada and the United States speaking on issues related to the humanity of the unborn, utilizing her unique ability to ...

  • My Son, Jonathan

    Jeff Joaquin, a That Man is You! (TMIY) core team leader for well over a decade, shares his story of wounds and healing – ultimately, a story of God’s unfathomable mercy. In Jeff’s life, not unlike the King David story, sexual sin led to death. A life conceived in the womb while he was in high sc...

  • Pablo VI: El papa en la tempestad

    El Papa Pablo VI fue un líder de la Iglesia Católica, tanto como sacerdote, como Obispo y como cardenal. Pero le tocó ser el Papa de la Iglesia en uno de los momentos más difíciles de la historia del papado – pasando del régimen fascista y la Segunda Guerra Mundial a la constitución de la Repúbli...

  • Humanae Vitae Encyclical of His Holiness Pope Paul VI

    Movie + 1 extra

    A revised and improved translation of Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter, Humanae vitae. This encyclical address the important concern of the moral use of contraception in married life. It ultimately argues that the use of artificial contraception in marriage is immoral because it separates the uni...

  • Episode 71 – Science-Based Arguments Against Contraception

    Dr. William Stigall, pediatric intensive care physician and bioethicist at University of Dallas, shares arguments against using contraception based on scientific evidence including differences in how hormones work in male and female bodies, what studies show about how contraception negatively aff...

  • Symbolon: Pt 2: Session 10: Catholic Social Teaching: Protecting Human Dignity

    In an age when life itself seems disposable, how can we follow God's call to protect and promote the dignity of the human person in all places and circumstances?

    Click to return to the entire series, Symbolon:Living the Faith

  • True Strength: Chastity - Strength & Discipline, Part 1 with Jason Evert

    It's time to get counter-cultural. It's time to be rebellious and reject the world's notions about masculinity, love, and sexuality. God calls us to see ourselves as he sees us. But how? Is it possible for a young man to resist the temptations of the world and live out his sexuality the way God i...

  • Love, Marriage, & the Catholic Conscience: Understanding the Church's Teachings on Birth Control by Dietrich von Hildebrand

    Movie + 1 extra

    What every Christian needs to know...about love, marriage, and contraception—eye-opening reasons for you to give these Church teachings a closer look.

    Finally, you can learn the full truth about how contraception relates to love and marriage, including:

    What the Church really teaches about ...

  • Could God Ever Love Someone like Me? by Fr. Mike Schmitz

    Fr. Mike Schmitz, one of the leading presenters in the Church today, speaks powerfully about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He makes clear the truth that Christ deeply loves and wants to encounter each of us as we are, with all our imperfections. Fr. Mike debunks the lies we often believe about...

  • No Imitations: Saying Yes to Authentic Love by Chris Stefanick

    Presented by Lighthouse Catholic Youth, Chris Stefanick discusses chastity beyond the usual fear tactics and "just say no's." Instead we are offered something to which we can say "yes": health, happiness, authentic relationships, and the love for which we were made. Everything else is just an imi...

  • Sexualidad y Castidad por P. Jürgen Daum


    La sociedad de hoy nos propone —y muchas veces nos impone— una manera de ver y vivir la sexualidad que promueve su ejercicio libre y sin restricciones. Pero ¿es ésa realmente la mejor alternativa? Siguiendo ese camino y dejándonos arrastrar por la corriente, ¿podremos desarrollarnos auténticament...

  • Amado: Encontrando la Felicidad en el Matrimonio

    2 seasons

    Bueno, ya han celebrado uno o dos aniversarios...o veinte...y hasta ahora ya han aprendido mucho de ustedes mismos y de su cónyuge, por medio de su matrimonio. Pero, ¿qué tal si el matrimonio es mucho más de lo que ustedes se imaginan? ¿Qué tal si Dios ha entrelazado en la misma esencia de tu hum...

  • Marriage by William May

    • Is marriage the foundation of family life? Many people today would say, "No!" Others would say, "Yes!", but they would define "family" and "marriage" in ways at odds with how the words have been used almost throughout human history. In this revised and expanded edition of Marriage: The Rock on ...

  • Las reglas de la sexualidad

    Aprende escuchando este tema, ¿por qué la mujer es todo un enigma?, ¿Qué espera ella en la relación de pareja? Como hombres, ¿necesitamos entenderla, aceptarla o tolerarla? ¿Y qué hay del hombre? ¿Es tan cerrado y simple como piensan las mujeres? ¿es tan frío o tan despistado porque así lo hizo D...

  • La vida sexual se realiza en un abrazo

    La integración de él y ella va más allá del sentimiento, la convivencia diaria está llena de detalles donde las relaciones sexuales son el centro del éxito o del fracaso. Descubre a la Luz del Espíritu Santo cómo ambos cónyuges se hacen uno en la intimidad y cómo esto repercute completamente en t...

  • Episode 18 – Gender Dysphoria

    Pediatric Endocrinologist Dr. Paul Hruz discusses gender dysphoria, sometimes called transgenderism, including the latest research, the harm being caused by current medical and cultural approaches to treatment, and what better faithful and scientific treatment might look like.

  • Talking with Our Kids about Sex


    Many parents struggle with broaching the sex topic with their kids. After this session, you will hopefully realize that despite the difficulty, it is worth it. You may save your kids from making mistakes that they will suffer f...

  • Beloved (Living Marriage) - Session 6: Sexuality and Authentic Love

    Does love lead to sex, or does sex lead to love? Are love and intimacy more than simply fufililling one another on a physical level? What if there is an authentic love that encompasses our physical, emotional, and spiritual life together in marriage?

  • In Pursuit of My Identity: Homosexuality, Transgenderism, & My Life by Hudson Byblow


    Hudson Byblow, a well-known speaker and author, discusses his own experience of same-sex attraction and transgender inclinations. He invites others to experience the fulfillment and freedom he discovered when he came to the profound realization that his most fundamental identity is found in Chris...

  • Detox by Jason Evert

    Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. In this presentation, Jason Evert discusses the strategies necessary to win the war and uproot the vice of pornography once and for all. Jason is an internationally known Catholic author and speaker. He has spoken to more than one million...

  • How to Talk About Marriage and Same-Sex Unions by Trent Horn

    Most people want to defend marriage, but they don't know where to begin—let Trent Horn show you how.

    Seemingly in the blink of an eye, same-sex marriage (SSM) has gone from being a radical new idea to an inevitable fact of life in the West. Yet even as its proponents increasingly pressure Chri...

  • Made for Greatness: Runway Model Turns to Christ by Leah Darrow

    Leah Darrow was a fashion model in New York City and a reality TV contestant on America's Next Top Model. She now travels the world sharing her unique experiences in the beauty industry. Leah now speaks to tens of thousands of people each year, audiences as diverse as a United Nations panel, the ...

  • Pureza y Sexualidad por P. Jürgen Daum


    Uno de los anhelos más grandes que anida en nuestro corazón es el de poder amar y ser amadas de verdad. No es una tarea sencilla, pero resulta aún más difícil en una sociedad que confunde el amor con el sentimentalismo y que nos propone el sexo como una mera muestra de afecto o una forma de ganar...

  • A Pastor's Wife's Journey Home by Kimberly Hahn


    The daughter of a Protestant minister and wife of Dr. Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn candidly shares her difficult journey into the Catholic Faith. She explains how close examination of the Church's teachings on family life and artificial contraception led her to embrace the fullness of the Faith, and...