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Up Next in Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist

  • For Children: The Miracle at Every Mass

    Every Sunday, we get to witness a miracle. Sometimes it can be difficult to wrap our minds and hearts around this fact. In this Bonus Episode of Presence: Mystery of the Eucharist, Fr. Riley will give us a special, close-up look at the Eucharistic miracle at every Mass.

  • For Catechists: Unveiling the Real Pr...

    Do the members of your parish know why we celebrate the Eucharist, or is it an empty tradition? In this Bonus Episode of Presence: Mystery of the Eucharist, we are reminded of the primary goal of the catechist to introduce adults and children into a relationship with the Father, through Jesus Chr...

  • Biblical Foundations with Dr. Tim Gray

    "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today. The doctrine of the Real Presence presents a difficulty for many people. When we take the time to understand the difficutlies, we become better equipped to help address them. This can be done especi...