Ordinary Time — Liturgical Year B

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  • The Baptism of the Lord (Year B)

  • 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    "Come and see." This is the method of God. He doesn't just want to give us answers, but to live life with us. When the disciples follow Christ, the Gospel says that they "stayed with him." When we stay with God, we can begin to hear and see clearly, and begin to find him in the quiet of our hearts.

  • 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Though it can be easy for us to live our days as though Christ hasn't come, he has. And when he came, he fundamentally changed our world and redeemed it. His kingdom has come, and as Christians we are called to shake ourselves from the illusion of this world and to be witnesses to the presence of...

  • 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Destruction is a powerful force. When we hear of it, we often picture devastating events or moments. However, with the death of one thing, newness follows. Sometimes in our lives we feel that Christ is asking us to destroy parts of who we are to come closer to him. Why do we feel this way? The sh...

  • 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Though we may never fully understand suffering, we can be certain that God desires to heal us and bring value into our suffering. He sent us his only Son to suffer and die for our salvation, and through this mystery we can glimpse how suffering can make us more like him. But we first need to ask ...

  • 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Have you ever had a moment of silence where you realized that the mundane tasks of life were preventing you from living to the fullest? While we do need to take care of the daily necessities, sometimes we live a half-hearted life of "just getting by." But Jesus wants to give us life to the full. ...

  • Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year B)

    Have you ever felt a tug to do something out of the ordinary? Maybe say something to someone you've never met before or call up an old friend to check in even though it's been years? This tug can make us feel uncomfortable, as we aren't sure why we have this feeling we need to act, but we feel al...

  • Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Year B)

    Knowing what is about to come, Jesus shares a meal with his disciples. Sharing a meal with family or friends is an intimate and joyous occasion. Gathering around the table and sharing food together are often some of people's favorite memories they reflect on. Jesus wants to have this closeness wi...

  • 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    The more we come to know God through study and prayer, the more we realize how truly his thoughts are not our thoughts, and our ways are not his ways (Isaiah 55). What we assume God would do is so often challenged by how the events of our life actually unfold. Today's readings draw us into this m...

  • 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

  • 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Healing is something we all seek at some point in our lives. Whether we have battled a life-threatening disease or suffered through a common cold, we have all sought physical healing. In this week's Gospel, Jesus reveals his power to heal and bring forth new life. He also longs to heal you of the...

  • 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    We have all been in need of something at some time, maybe even begging for it. We all have had many experiences of needing to ask for a favor or a need to be met of someone. When it comes to asking God for things, what is it we ask him for? Do we seek comfort - health, wealth, job security, or wh...

  • 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Heroes in our stories today are usually the strongest, the smartest, or the most beautiful people who conquer evil by overpowering it in some way. Even if they don't start out that way, a crucial part of their story is usually them preparing for battle by getting stronger. They know that everythi...

  • 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    We are lost in the dense jungle of this world and are made for heaven. We all long to get there, but we encounter so many needs along the way. If we aren't careful, searching to fill those needs can replace our true compass. Instead of focusing on searching for home, we can be consumed by never b...

  • 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    When was the last time you experienced a situation that you thought, "there is no solution—it is impossible" Often we feel cornered by circumstances in life and that there is no possible way out. And yet, miraculously, things all end up working out, for our good. Today's Gospel highlights Jesus' ...

  • 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

  • The Transfiguration of the Lord (Year B)

    In the Gospel today, Jesus chides the Israelites for seeking only earthly fulfillment. He calls them, and likewise us, to open our hearts to our deeper desire for God. Ultimately, God wants to fill our deepest longings for his infinite love.

  • 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Have you ever heard something that sounded completely outlandish? The Jews in today's Gospel are not just shocked by Jesus' teaching, they are likely disgusted and offended. Is Jesus of Nazareth really telling them that He IS the Bread of Life, he is the fulfillment of all the Scriptures? He is t...

  • 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    ***Thank you for watching Opening the Word! Unfortunately, we do not have an Opening the Word episode for The Feast of the Assumption, which falls on Sunday this year and would take the place of the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We invite you to watch this Daily Reflection with Dr. Tim Gray on ...

  • 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    The word "Christian" literally translates to mean "follower of Christ". That means we are followers of Christ, but many of us have probably not ever thought about what it actually means to follow him. Maybe we never even consciously decided to follow him, but we have always gone to Church because...

  • 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    God desires our whole hearts, not simply our actions. We can do good acts but still keep our hearts far from him. But if we lift up our hearts, the power of Jesus' resurrection can transform us overtime to actually become more like him. Then our actions will flow seamlessly from who we are in our...

  • 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    When was the last time you were so sick you had to rely on a family member or friend to help get you to the doctor? Sometimes, we aren't able to get the healing we need on our own. We need someone else to bring us. Today we will read about a man who was brought to Jesus, and how grateful he must ...

  • 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    Winter can be depressing. Depending on where you live in the country, you may not get to see the sun for two or three months. It can be bone-chillingly cold and there is little sign of life except for the brave neighbors who shovel their driveways. The days are short and dark, the trees are lifel...

  • 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

    The logic of the Gospel is the logic of God, not of humans. Today, Jesus wants to pull us aside for an intimiate moment to reveal his heart more deeply to us and to teach us his logic that will lead to our true joy, just as he did for his Apostles.