Easter Sunday—April 21, 2019
Opening the Word
6m 45s
Though the mysteries of the Faith are not readily understood, we should ask for the grace to believe—to grow in the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity. With these gifts, we have the power to recognize the importance of the Resurrection, and how it can transform our lives.
Alleluia, he is risen. He is risen indeed.
Up Next in Opening the Word
2nd Sunday of Easter—April 23, 2017
The second Sunday after Easter is designated Divine Mercy Sunday. It's a recent feast in the Church, instituted in 2000 by Pope St. John Paul II. He felt that immediately after Easter, while the Paschal mysteries were fresh in our hearts, we needed an opportunity to reflect more deeply on God's g...
3rd Sunday of Easter—May 5, 2019
Just as Peter denied Jesus three times, now the risen Lord asks Peter three times, "Do you love me?"
4th Sunday of Easter—April 22, 2018
God needed to reach us, to come in a way that we would recognize him and hear his voice, and so God made himself a mere human. What amazing love Our Lord has for us! Let us spend some time together today reflecting on this love as we read of it in the first two readings and then as we hear of Chr...