8th Sunday in Ordinary Time—February 26, 2017
Opening the Word
4m 24s
It's fitting that this Gospel begins with the admonition reminding us that we cannot serve two masters (God and money) and then delves into Jesus's teaching on worry, because money is often at the top of our worry list. We worry about how to get money if we don't have enough, and we worry about how to keep it when we do have it.
Jesus reminds us that God knows we need food, clothing, and shelter, all of which require money in our culture. However, he tells us that we shouldn't focus our attention on any of these things because if God takes care of the birds and the flowers, how much more will he care for us.
Up Next in Opening the Word
1st Sunday of Lent (Year C)
At the start of Lent we are invited to once again be strengthened in the Holy Spirit and in the Word of God. We are strengthened so that we may face the temptations of Satan each day just as Jesus did for us while he prayed and fasted in the desert. What tactics does Satan use to try to get you t...
2nd Sunday of Lent—March 17, 2019
What an amazing experience it must have been for Peter, James and John to witness an event few humans can imagine – the glory of Jesus! And yet we experience a similar miracle at every Mass as the glory of Jesus is shown to us in the Eucharist. The three Apostles didn't take their experience for ...
3rd Sunday of Lent—March 4, 2018
Today's readings are the midway point in our Lenten journey, focusing on the relationship between God's laws and the state of man's heart. The First Reading begins with words many of us have heard frequently throughout our lives—the Ten Commandments. Before giving all of the Commandments, God pro...