This week's Gospel shows us Jesus wants us to let Him into all those places that have been rendered dead by sin. He wants to weep with us in his humanity, but also to reveal his divinity and bring about a total healing.
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Easter Sunday—April 21, 2019
Today we celebrate the greatest of all Christian feasts: Easter Sunday. We come together rejoicing in the goodness of God, knowing that Christ's resurrection from the dead gives us the hope that we too will rise someday with him.
2nd Sunday of Easter—April 8, 2018
God's merciful love is the Good News of the Gospel, and the reason why Christ suffered, died, and rose again. The Catechism goes so far as to say that, "The Gospel is the revelation in Jesus Christ of God's mercy to sinners" (CCC 1846). God's mercy reached down to us in our sinful state and sent ...
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lor...
We all are called to love God and do the Father's will, even when it is difficult. But love involves sacrifice—dying to self and making sacrifices for the one we love. We can use the example of Christ in the Garden to accept our crosses well.