Most of us have been either literally or figuratively lost at some time, not knowing which way to go, and feeling a surge of fear and panic. The Apostles in today's Gospel were feeling lost, because Jesus had just told them he was going to leave them in order to be crucified and die. Thomas said what must have been in all their hearts: "We do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?" Jesus's answer might have been confusing. He didn't give instructions or directions. Instead he told them that he himself was the direction. He said that he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Up Next in Opening the Word
Ascension Sunday—May 13, 2018
This Sunday we are presented with a Gospel reading that should deeply challenge us. These are readings that remind us of who we really are—disciples of Jesus Christ. We are not only his friends, called to stay near to him, but we are also his missionaries, called to go out and to spread his Good ...
7th Sunday of Easter—May 13, 2018
The readings today invite us to meditate on a simple truth of our faith—God is love, and he loves us. This sentiment might not seem that impressive. These are phrases that many of us have heard since Sunday school while we were coloring pictures of Moses holding the Ten Commandments. It probably ...
6th Sunday of Easter—May 21, 2017
While our salvation was won by Jesus's Death, our lives in Christ are not completely fulfilled until we receive the Advocate, the Spirit of Truth, that Jesus promised to send us. That Spirit of Truth is the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. It is only through the Spirit that we are ab...
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