At this midway point in our Lenten journey, today's readings show us the Exodus, the great journey of the Jewish people out of Egypt. What are we to think of this amazing drama as Moses defied the King of Egypt, risking everything to obey God and lead His people out of their slavery?
Up Next in Opening the Word
4th Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Have you ever walked from a dark room out into the sunlight? It hurts. You end up squinting and wiping away tears from watery eyes. It takes time to adjust, and you may wish to return to the darkness where it's a bit more comfortable. Think of the reverse scenario: when you go from the sunlight i...
5th Sunday of Lent—March 18, 2018
Many of us fear death. It brings sadness and an unknown. We may have experienced the grief of losing a loved one, and we may be angry that God allows death. But today's Gospel lends itself to hope. Jesus tells us that we must die in order to have new life. What a strange command. Let's pause a mi...
4th Sunday of Lent (Year C)
In today’s Gospel we hear about the Prodigal Son from the Gospel of Luke. Scriptures talk about a son who was lost is now found and is received into the loving arms of his father. How do you view God the father? Do you fall upon His love and mercy when you’ve strayed? Let us remember that we ...
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