In ancient times, access to a reliable well was essential. Without a steady supply of clean water, life would be difficult, if not impossible. In this week's Gospel, we see Jesus sitting by a well in the country of Samaria. It's noon, and we can assume that he is hot and tired. We know he is thirsty, because he asks a woman who is there drawing water to give him a drink.
Up Next in Opening the Word
5th Sunday of Lent—April 7, 2019
Today's reading from the Gospel of John tells of a woman who was caught in the sin of adultery, and then caught again--but this time in God's mercy and love. The account provides not only a striking example of Jesus' mercy, but also his call to conversion. He offers forgiveness and healing and a ...
4th Sunday of Lent—March 31, 2019
This Gospel reminds us that the way we see best, is through the eyes of faith, for then we see the world the way God sees it. But first we have to recognize that without Jesus, we are truly blind.
Palm Sunday—March 25, 2018
This Sunday we find ourselves at a crossroads. As we approach the great mystery of Christ's Death and Resurrection, we are coming to the end of our Lenten journey. It is a time to both look back and reflect, and to look forward and prepare.
Holy Week is a unique time in the Church calendar where...