"Have an attitude of gratitude" is one of those catchphrases fit for bumper stickers and children's books. Yet, for Christians, this is more than a catchphrase. It is a basic command of Christian life. Notice in today's Gospel reading the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus. All ten turned to Jesus in faith with their request. However, after they are healed, only one of the ten returns to thank him for answering their prayer. What lesson should we take from the story?
Up Next in Opening the Word
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time—Septembe...
In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, we are confronted with what we might consider an unfair situation. The owner of the vineyard goes out and hires workers, starting in the early morning and ending close to sundown. But no matter what time of day the workers are hired, all get the same...
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time—October ...
The readings for today focus on God's vision of marriage—a clearly hot topic in our culture. Today the Church invites us to peacefully meditate on what the Lord proposes to be the meaning of marriage. And as we'll see, God created marriage to reveal the very meaning of our existence, and it is ve...
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time—October ...
Persistence in prayer is a theme Jesus returns to again and again. In today's Gospel reading we hear about a widow keeps coming back to the judge to demand justice. Finally, because of her persistence, the judge gives in to her demand. More than a lesson about nagging, this is a lesson the echoes...
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