21st Sunday of Ordinary Time—August 26, 2018
Opening the Word
4m 42s
The word "Christian" literally translates to mean "follower of Christ". That means we are followers of Christ, but many of us have probably not ever thought about what it actually means to follow him. Maybe we never even consciously decided to follow him, but we have always gone to Church because that's how we were raised, or that's what our spouse does.
Up Next in Opening the Word
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 2...
Since many of us have had the experience of praying when it seems as if our prayers are battering against a brick wall, this Gospel story of the persistent woman serves to increase our faith in the love and mercy of the Lord for each one of us.
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Septembe...
What are you willing to give up to follow Jesus? That's the question in today's Gospel. Jesus proclaims that no one is worthy to be called His disciple unless he "hates" those people dearest to him, or renounces his possessions, takes up his cross and follows Jesus to wherever He leads (and if on...
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Septembe...
God desires our whole hearts, not simply our actions. We can do good acts but still keep our hearts far from him. But if we lift up our hearts, the power of Jesus' resurrection can transform us overtime to actually become more like him. Then our actions will flow seamlessly from who we are in our...