In this Gospel reading, we see Jesus embarking on the most difficult journey of his life. For ten chapters in Luke's Gospel, beginning with chapter 9, Jesus and his disciples are on the road, making their way to the climactic moment in Salvation History. Knowing what He would suffer, Jesus still kept his "eyes fixed on Jerusalem." Do we have that same courage and dedication to God's will?
Up Next in Opening the Word
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time—June 25,...
Jesus was very clear about the cost of discipleship. It might entail family division, persecution, and even death. He didn't mince words when he talked about the hardships his followers would face. And yet, at the same time he says, "Do not be afraid."
Isn't this a bit of a contradiction? Does i... -
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 7, ...
Evangelization is not a job assigned only to bishops, priests, and religious brothers and sisters. Pope Paul VI insisted that the "task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church." And by "the Church," he meant the Church as a whole—everyone, including the laity. T...
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 1, ...
Healing is something we all seek at some point in our lives. Whether we have battled a life-threatening disease or suffered through a common cold, we have all sought physical healing. In this week's Gospel, Jesus reveals his power to heal and bring forth new life. He also longs to heal you of the...
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