If you ask people what they want, they'll often say that they want a new car, a better job, a bigger house, or some other possession. But if you probe a little deeper, you'll find that they don't really want possessions. Rather, they desire a sense of fulfillment, a feeling of being loved and cherished.
Up Next in Opening the Word
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 14,...
Jesus parable of the Good Samaritan is well-known and often quoted. Yet we often miss how Jesus uses the question "Who is my neighbor?" to upend a rigid and impersonal view of the "Law" of the Jewish people. Through an unlikely her--a member of the Samaritans, who were disdained by the Jews--we s...
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 9, ...
Sometimes we are tempted to think that it would be so much easier to believe in Jesus if we were living when he was on earth. Maybe ... but maybe not. Today's Gospel tells us that it has never been easy to understand all of Jesus's teachings, even for those who heard him in person.
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time—July 15,...
Heroes in our stories today are usually the strongest, the smartest, or the most beautiful people who conquer evil by overpowering it in some way. Even if they don't start out that way, a crucial part of their story is usually them preparing for battle by getting stronger. They know that everythi...