In the last night of his life, Jesus prayed specifically for his followers to have unity. He said that, through unity, the disciples would bear a powerful witness to his name. Why, on the darkest night of his life, was he thinking about that? The answer is seen in his example: in unity, there is love, a sacrificial love between the Father and Son, and between all who believe in him. Christianity has survived, not because of its cleverness or power, but because of its unified love.
Up Next in Year C
Trinity Sunday—June 16, 2019
In today's Gospel reading, we see that God's very life is one of communion. In the Trinity, we see a relationship of giving and receiving, a communion of life and love. God exists as a relationship of Persons. He is Three, and yet the "Lord God is One." How are we to bring this kind of Oneness — ...
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Chris...
The miracle of multiplying five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish to feed five thousand men (and as many as fifteen to twenty thousand people) is one of the most famous in the Gospels. Apart from providing for the physical needs of those present, Jesus also foreshadows the Holy Eucharist. He...
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here we read a shocking account of a woman wrecking a dinner party to show her love to Jesus. To the host and other guests, it was a moment of awkwardness, embarrassment, and completely inappropriate. Yet Jesus affirmed this woman and, if nothing else, shows us that great love is based on great h...