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Opening the Word

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 25, 2019

Episode 41 • 6m 21s

Up Next in Year C

  • 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Septembe...

    It's human nature for us to want places of honor. Yet Jesus challenges us to do the opposite: to seek the "lowest place." While many in the world compete for worldly prestige and honor, Jesus is asking Christians to outdo one another in the practice of true humility.

  • 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Septembe...

    What are you willing to give up to follow Jesus? That's the question in today's Gospel. Jesus proclaims that no one is worthy to be called His disciple unless he "hates" those people dearest to him, or renounces his possessions, takes up his cross and follows Jesus to wherever He leads (and if on...

  • 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time—Septembe...

    Do you remember a time when you lost something, perhaps a much-valued possession? When we lose something of high value, we search and search until we finally find it. And the discovery brings such a sense of relief. The greater the value of what was lost, the more we rejoice in finding it. In thi...