My Path to Heaven: A Young Person's Guide to the Faith by Fr. Geoffrey Bliss & Caryll Houselander

My Path to Heaven: A Young Person's Guide to the Faith by Fr. Geoffrey Bliss & Caryll Houselander

For your children:

An old-fashioned "Retreat-in-a-Book" that helps them ponder the truths of the Faith and pursue lives of holiness in accordance with those truths.

Based on the traditional St. Ignatius retreat (trusted by Catholics for centuries) and adapted for children, this clear, simple, thoughtful presentation of the Faith is invaluable for parents seeking to form their children in holiness.

My Path to Heaven covers such essentials of the Faith as God's will, angels, Heaven and Hell, the Fall of man, the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation, the Nativity, the Passion, salvation, the sacraments, faith, hope, love, and contrition, and it teaches children the relevance of these truths in their lives and in the decisions they make.

This unique book is:

Practical: It focuses on proper devotion and right action, not feelings.

Serious: It acknowledges and speaks to the deep seriousness that attentive parents know lies in the hearts of even the very youngest children.

Substantial: It considers central points of the Faith and addresses the issues that face every Christian, even the youngest.

Prayerful: By speaking reverently of holy things, it inspires children to develop in devotion to Jesus, Mary, and the saints.

Scriptural: Chapters include numerous Scripture references.

Among the topics:

Three ways to help your child make good choices
The victory promised to those who try to be holy
Free will: a great gift (and a great responsibility)
God's overwhelming mercy and patience
Christ's plan to train children to follow Him
God's generosity: why He deserves all our love
Satan: how your child can avoid the Devil's traps
Heaven: why now is the time to begin seeking it

My Path to Heaven: A Young Person's Guide to the Faith by Fr. Geoffrey Bliss & Caryll Houselander
