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  • Day 33: Small Sacrifices

    Pray the Stations of the Cross.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Who Do You Say That I Am? | Metanoia | Episode 1

    Jesus takes his disciples to Caesarea Philippi, a place riddled with images of pagan gods and idols. It is important that Jesus brings them to this place that elicits many images of gods. Jesus asks the disciples who people think he is. There are all kinds of various answers, but the significant ...

  • [OLD CONTENT] Daily Reflections – October 26, 2021

    Today's Action Item: Relativize the perspective on your pain and suffering, knowing the glory that waits in eternity

    View Daily Reflections.

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox.
    Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a...

  • [OLD CONTENT] Daily Reflections – October 16, 2022

    Action Item: Persevere in Prayer

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a short video from Dr. Tim ...

  • Guard What Has Been Entrusted To You - A Sermon for the Feast of St. Joseph

    Guard What Has Been Entrusted To You
    A Sermon for the Feast of St. Joseph
    by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet

  • Divine Mercy Reflections: Day 4

    Today’s Reflection: How can you receive Christ's mercy into your heart?

    Watch the full episode here

    Divine Mercy Reflections 2020

  • Daily Reflections — September 11, 2023

    Action Item: Offer up your sufferings to the Father in Christ.

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning wi...

  • The Chosen Christmas Special | Catholic Commentary on The Chosen

    *As of January 1, 2023, The Chosen Christmas Special (The Messengers) episode is no longer available on FORMED.
    Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.

    Catholic Commentary on The Chosen aims to help Catholics actively engage with the immensely popular TV series depicting ...

  • The Ballad of Barnabus Bundle | Benjamin Cello | Episode 1

    When Aunt Rhody loses Old Gray Goose and her potato crop too, Benjamin Cello breaks into his savings to help his friend in her time of need. Along the way, Aunt Rhody recalls the tragic tale of greedy Barnabas Bundle who tore down his barns to build bigger ones.

    Comments are disabled for kids co...

  • Luminous Mysteries

    Pray the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary with legendary hall of fame sportscaster Vin Scully. Scully is best known for his work as the play-by-play announcer for the Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers. In 2016, Scully completed his 67th and final season with the Dodgers — the longest ti...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — February 28, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on how Jeremiah, Jesus and those who are righteous suffer for doing the right thing.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the ...

  • [OLD CONTENT] Daily Reflections – October 14, 2022

    Action Item: Give Thanks and Praise to God for Who He is and What He Has Done for You

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and ...

  • Daily Reflections — November 12, 2023

    Action Item: Ask yourself, "How deep is my love for the Bridegroom?"

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bible.usccb...

  • [OLD CONTENT] Daily Reflections – October 9, 2022

    Action Item: Thank God in Your Prayers at Mass

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a short video...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 5, 2024

    Action Item: Forgive others that you may be forgiven.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

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  • For Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Holy Communion

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute" (CCC 2221). Although the parish helps to form our children in the faith, no one can take the place of the parents' role in forming h...

  • Continuando la Vida de Gracia

    El Bautismo es sólo el inicio. Los padres y padrinos están llamados a participar con toda la comunidad de fieles para ayudar a guiar esta nueva vida de gracia.

    La sesión "Continuando la Vida de Gracia" presenta la información necesaria y la inspiración para ayudar a cuidar al nuevo bautizado du...

  • Danielle Rose | Mamastery

    For more music and to support Danielle Rose Ministries here.

    By embracing her vocation as wife and mother, Danielle is continually discovering God’s invitation to love and serve others from within the “Mamastery.” Although she seldom chooses to depart from her “cloister” of caring for children ...

  • Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song

    Be led in a prayerful meditation of God's Divine Mercy for you and the entire world with this sung Divine Mercy Chaplet. This devotional video features some of the most beautiful masterpieces of Catholic art and includes quotes from the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska to help you enter more ...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 7, 2024

    Action Item: Ask yourself how well you listen to God's voice and love him faithfully.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at ht...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 4, 2024

    Action Item: Share the good news with those who don’t know the Lord fully.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://watch...

  • Holy Saturday: Jesus' Descent into Hell

    Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Michael Barber unpack the celebration of Holy Saturday:Jesus' descent into hell, which is often misunderstood.

    Our content, including FORMED Now!, is made possible by the support of our viewers. To help us continue to spread the Gospel to nearly 1 million people, consider j...

  • Daily Reflections — November 6, 2023

    Action Item: Reflect on how you can always turn to God for His mercy.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bible.uscc...

  • Jesus Christ, King of the Universe | Sacred Art

    Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with different pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theological meanings and how they can speak to us today.

    View all episodes of Sacred Art.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mis...