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  • Fifth Sunday of Lent: The Hope of the Resurrection

    Reflect on the areas in your life where you need hope in the resurrection.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — Feast of the Chair of St. Peter — February 22, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on your need and call to be a hundred percent faithful to the word of God.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

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  • [OLD CONTENT] Daily Reflections – August 12, 2021

    Today's Action Item: Have courage to follow God's lead.

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    Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a short video from Dr. Tim Gray.

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  • Daily Reflections — January 11, 2024

    Action Item: Take your Needs, Weaknesses, and Trials to Jesus in Prayer.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bible.u...

  • La Búsqueda // Episodio 1 // ¿Qué Buscas?

    Para ofrecer La Búsqueda en su parroquia, visite la sección para parroquias de nuestro sitio web. Allí tendrá acceso a un manual gratuito para coordinadores y enlaces a las diferentes guía para participantes

    Para La Búsqueda - Guía del Participante

    En nuestro primer episodio abrimos los coraz...

  • The Theological Virtues: Faith

    What are the theological virtues and how do they impact our lives as Christians today? How do we grow in them? Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger dive into the theological virtues and dicuss their place in God's plan for humanity.

    View all episodes of The Theological Virtues

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  • Miracles of Exodus: Manna and Water

    Jesus spoke of Himself as "the bread which comes down from heaven." What did that mean to the Jews who first heard him? And what meaning do those words have for us today in our understanding of the Eucharist?

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Eucharist

  • The Transfiguration | Sacred Art

    Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with different pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theological meanings and how they can speak to us today.

    View all episodes of Sacred Art.

    To learn more about the Transfiguration, view this episode on the Transfiguration from a Bible Study on the Lumin...

  • Catherine of Siena

    Sigrid Undset's Catherine of Siena is critically acclaimed as one of the best biographies of this well-known and amazing fourteenth-century saint. Known for her historical fiction, which won her the Nobel Prize for literature in 1928, Undset based this factual work on primary sources, her own exp...

  • Day 1 - Novena of Surrender to Jesus

    For more content and to join the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey in praying future novenas

    Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to Me pro...

  • Trappist

    Trappist monks trace their history through 1,700 years of Western civilization. In this documentary, the reality of monastic life, as lived at Mepkin Abbey, a Trappist monastery in South Carolina, combines with fascinating images of the past to explore how the humility, contemplation, and simple ...

  • Day 40: Holy Saturday

    Be intentionally silent today.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Palm Sunday

    Do not forget to anticipate the victory.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Day 1 - A Time to Repent

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  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit | Wild Goose | Episode 5

    "The Spirit himself is 'God's gift' par excellence (cf. John 4:10), a gift from God, and in turn communicates different spiritual gifts to those who welcome him." - Pope Francis
    The greatest gift of the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit. The living God gives the gift of himself to those who are bap...

  • The Messengers: The Birth of the Early Church

    From The Voice of the Martyrs comes the sequel to God with Us: The Messengers—The Birth of the Early Church. Having risen from the dead, Jesus Christ has appeared to His disciples and instructed them saying, "Remain in Jerusalem until you are filled with power from Heaven!" Waiting in prayer as J...

  • Day 37: The Power of a Plan

    Trust in the plan God has for your life.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — February 29, 2024

    Action Item: Mortify the desires of your heart that you may be faithful.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://watch.f...

  • Who is St. Catherine of Siena?

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Elizabeth Klein as they celebrate Catherine of Siena: a nurse and mystic with papal influence who became a saint and doctor of the Church.

    Consider supporting the Augustine Institute and FORMED by becoming a Mission Circle member

  • Our Lady of the Rosary | Sacred Art

    "Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with different pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theological meanings and how they can speak to us today.

    View all episodes of Sacred Art.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mi...

  • Day 9: Who is John the Baptist?

    "In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, 'The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord.'" —Matthew 3:1–3

  • Saint Thomas More: The Age of the Author

    The Renaissance was an age of discovery and innovation during which many lost their way amidst bold new visions of secular happiness. Thomas More was one of the greatest humanists of his age but also a man devoted to the spiritual life. His lifetime of learning, charity, and service to the public...

  • Episode 2 | Catholic Commentary on The Chosen | Season 1

    Catholic Commentary on The Chosen aims to help Catholics actively engage with the immensely popular TV series depicting the life of Christ.

    This episode discusses the second episode of The Chosen, "Shabbat," examining the Jewish beliefs and practices behind the Sabbath celebration and the chara...

  • Who is Jesus? | Adventure Catechism

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