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  • Day 10: Spend Less to Give More

    What sacrifices can you make to give to the poor?

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • The Annunciation | Sacred Art

    Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with different pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theological meanings and how they can speak to us today. This week, they are looking at The Annunciation as depicted by Elizabeth Zelasko.

  • Breath of God | Wild Goose | Episode 2

    "The breath of the Almighty gives me life." - Job 33:4
    The only way we are able to live a life of faith, a life full of love, peace, joy, and power is by the Holy Spirit. We see this most clearly in the lives of the Apostles. They had every advantage in being with Jesus and hearing him preach an...

  • Mary, Queen of Heaven | Brother Francis

    Come along with Brother Francis as he explores the special role Mary plays in our lives! Young viewers will learn all about the amazing, Immaculate Conception; why Mary is called the Ark of the New Covenant; and how Jesus took her home to Heaven and crowned her queen!


  • The Secret of Divine Mercy

    Blessings from blood, victory through suffering, designs of mercy amidst desperate situations—such are God's hidden ways of mercy, ways that triumph over evil. In this session we'll learn how Fatima ties in with the Second Greatest Story Ever Told. Purchase your copy of Divine Mercy in the Second...

  • St. Joseph: Guardian of the Redeemer (Part 2 of 4)

    In this Year of Saint Joseph, proclaimed by Pope Francis to be December 8, 2020, through December 8, 2021, Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down to reflect on the earthly father chosen by the Heavenly Father for his Son, Jesus Christ. This four-part series will begin by looking at Joseph from th...

  • Second Sunday of Lent: The Road to Jerusalem

    Reflect on the mystery of Christ’s identity.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Who Made the World? | Adventure Catechism

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    Visit to explore more great Brother Francis content.

  • The Wild Goose trailer

    The Wild Goose series is truly a work of the Holy Spirit from 4PM Media and The Ministry of The Wild Goose. “Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit. It is a 14 part series featuring Fr. Dave Pivonka and various interviews. Shot in various locations from Niagara Fall...

  • A Biblical Introduction to Mary

    If ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ, as St. Jerome famously stated, then ignorance of Scripture is also ignorance of Mary. This is because "what the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its fait...

  • Divine Mercy Reflections: Day 2

    Today’s Reflection: Allow the walls of your heart to melt with each drop of blood that spills from Christ's wounds on the Cross.

    Watch the full episode here

    Divine Mercy Reflections 2020

  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit & Fire | Wild Goose | Episode 3

    "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." - Matthew 3:11
    Jesus came to baptize us in the Holy Spirit, and the power and grace that comes from baptism in the Holy Spirit changes lives. For the millions of Catholics worldwide who have had this experience it is a transforming grace that ...

  • Day 5 - Called | The Days of Advent with Brother Francis

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    Visit to explore more great Brother Francis content.

  • Daily Reflections — January 16, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect that your leader has a Sacred Heart.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

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    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

  • Daily Reflections — November 15, 2023

    Action Item: Reflect on the dignity that God gives to every person.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bible.usccb....

  • The Eucharist for Little Children

    "Jesus said, Let the children come to me."—Mark 10:14

    These simple words inspire us to lead our children to Christ. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the primary way to experience communion with Christ. In The Eucharist for Little Children, your children will begin to understand the Real Presen...

  • Day 15: The Stations

    Make time, every Friday to do Stations of the Cross.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Day 25: Break Your Fast Today

    How will you celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of Mary?

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • The Confessions of St. Augustine | Littlest Saints

    A child, a sinner, a saint. Join us as we share the story of St. Augustine, tailored to our children, as he wrestles with God and comes to the faith.

  • Day 22: Return to the Lord

    Pray Psalm 51
    Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love.

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Divine Mercy Reflections: Day 3

    Today’s Reflection: Bring your suffering to God and allow him to transform it.

    Watch the full episode here

    Divine Mercy Reflections 2020

  • Misery Meets Mercy: Saint Faustina Kowalska

    Dr. Ben Akers and Fr. Mateusz Ratajczak discuss St. Faustina Kowalska and her role of bringing the message of Divine Mercy to the Church.

    Learn more about the dramatic story of Divine Mercy —

  • Saint Francis de Sales: Pastor of Souls

    Determined from his youth to pursue the priesthood, Saint Francis de Sales lived a storied life as a priest and missionary before settling down to the duties of a small-town bishop in the foothills of the French Alps. The spiritual writings of this beloved teacher of everyday holiness are justly ...

  • Hoedown! | Episode 6 | Benjamin Cello

    It’s harvest time at the Big Ol’ Barn! Annie Appleseed and Benjamin Cello team up to help Cowboy Roy, the Barnyard Animals, and the Cheerful Chums celebrate the bountiful blessings of God!

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