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  • Entrando en el Misterio: Explicación del Rito

    Cada oración y acción en el Rito del Bautismo está lleno de sentido espiritual, belleza y gracia. Aquí vemos que el Bautismo no es algo que sucede solamente en el exterior; nos transforma también interiormente.

    Esta sesión "Entrando en el Misterio" nos lleva paso a paso a través del Rito del Ba...

  • 1531: A Story that is Not Finished Yet

    Life is a miracle, God is a mystery, and nothing is coincidence. This movie, entitled 1531, is a love story from Mexico to the world, which was written in an Aztec sacred stone and in Saint John's Apocalypse centuries before it happened. It presents the 1531 appearances of Our Lady of Guadalupe a...

  • The Jewish Roots of Holy Week

    Holy Week is the holiest week of the year. But why do we call the entire week “holy”? Does anything important happen on the days between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? Follow Scripture scholar and professor Dr. Brant Pitre as he walks through each of the seven days of Holy Week, and explains how ...

  • Day 13: Have Patience

    How can I become detached from myself, in order to forgive others?

    Lenten Reflections 2020

  • Holy Thursday: Jesus' Last Supper and Arrest

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Michael Barber as they continue the Holy Week journey with Christ. Today's bible study will cover the last supper and Jesus' arrest in Gethsemane.

    Our content, including FORMED Now!, is made possible by the support of our viewers. To help us continue to spread the Gosp...

  • Daily Reflections — December 5, 2023

    Action Item: Realize that the gifts of the Spirit fulfill today's prophecy.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bibl...

  • Saint Maximilian Kolbe | Lukas Storyteller

    Our friends take a trip to a camp that Lukas has prepared, but they soon begin to miss the comforts of their home. Inspired by the heroic life of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Lukas helps them understand that they should always be grateful for what they have.


  • Beloved - Session 5: A Sacramental Bond

    Marriage creates something that didn't exist before:a sacramental bond between a husband and wife. It is essential in both the mystery and the reality of married life. But how do we make that bond a reality amidst the daily pressures of our lives together?

  • Daily Reflections — Feast of St. Leo the Great — November 10, 2023

    Action Item: Reflect on whether you are acting according to the right eternal end.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https...

  • A Bible Study on the Annunciation

    Dr. Ben Akers, associate professor of theology at the Augustine Institute Graduate School, leads us through a brief reflection on the scene of the Annunciation in Luke 1:26-38. He engages the scripture verses line by line highlighting some of the key Old Testament passages evoked by the angel Gab...

  • Walk through the Mass: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy

    Every Sunday, Catholics gather together to celebrate the Mass. But do we understand the deeper meaning of what happens there? Now we can.

    Click to return to the entire series, Symbolon:Living the Faith

  • The Psychology of the Demonic w/ Fr. Chad Ripperger | Chris Stefanick Show

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  • Preach the Word | Episode 4 | Benjamin Cello

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  • Daily Reflections — October 13, 2023

    Action Item: Reflect on not creating division in the Church.

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with...

  • Prepare the Way of the Lord

    The opening lines of Mark's Gospel proclaim that Jesus is, without a doubt, the Son of God. He is the one for whom the way is being prepared. As Jesus sets out on that way, fulfilling the Old Testament _prophecies and prefigurements, Mark shows the Son doing precisely the work of the Father.


  • [OLD CONTENT] Daily Reflections – January 5, 2022

    Today's Action Item: Take courage and trust that Jesus is the "I am."

    View Daily Reflections.

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox.
    Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a short video from Dr. Tim Gray.

    Help us share t...

  • Day 3: A Journey of Faith

    "For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city which is to come." —Hebrews 13:14

  • Lamb of God: The Sacrifice of Isaac & the Passover Lamb

    At every Mass many of us use the phrase "Lamb of God" without fully understanding what it means. Dr. Pitre examines two key instances of sacrificial lambs in the Old Testament--and why John the Baptist's disciples were quick to leave him to follow the One he proclaimed as "the Lamb of God."


  • Saint Teresa of Ávila: A Study in Perseverance

    Nobely-born, wealthy, captivating, and headstrong, Teresa de Ahumada was an unlikely timber for a great work of renovation. After many years of complacent living in a fashionable convent, Teresa was drawn into a mystical embrace and learned directly from Divine Inspiration what a life more pleasi...

  • The War of the Vendée

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  • Lenten Daily Reflections — February 15, 2024

    Action Item: Take Jesus’ three steps seriously in your Lenten journey.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://watch.for...

  • Jesus' Crucifixion

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Mark Giszczak on this Good Friday as they prayerfully discuss the Crucifixion and death of Jesus.

    Our content, including FORMED Live, is made possible by the support of our viewers. To help us continue to spread the Gospel to nearly 1 million people, consider joining t...

  • Daily Reflections — January 14, 2024

    Action Item: Think About Who in your Circle of Friends and Family you Could Introduce to Jesus.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Read...

  • Day 14: Forgiveness & Freedom

    How can I become detached from myself, in order to forgive others?

    Lenten Reflections 2020