The best part of this story is that we can know God's love personally—through the person of Jesus. No one has ever changed the world like Jesus of Nazareth: we measure time by his birth, build churches in every corner of the world to worship him, name cities after his followers. In this episode, we look at Christ's life and his question to Simon Peter: Who do you say that I am? Our own answer is critically important. If Jesus really was who he claimed to be, it changes everything.
Find The Search Begins Leader’s Kit, which includes:
- 10 "What Do You Seek?" teen participant journals
- The Search Begins Leader’s Guide (digital access available until physical guide ships in early November)
- The Search (Paperback)
- Digital access to a downloadable flyer, postcards, and a letter to parents to help promote The Search Begins at your parish or school
- Digital access to Youth Leader Training Videos on The Search Begins for best practices
Only available on
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