What's the difference between divorce and annulment?
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4m 52s
Since Matrimony is a sacrament given by Christ to his Church, the Church has the authority to determine if a marriage is valid or not based on a set of criteria: the spouses were free to marry, they freely exchanged their consent, they had the intention to marry for life, to be faithful to one another and be open to children; and their consent was given in the presence of two witnesses and before a properly authorized Church minister. Without these criteria being met, a marriage is not valid. So an annulment is when the Church has decided this marriage was never valid to begin with.
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Tears of Christ - Day 37
Su modus operandi
El demonio tiene un modo de trabajar, de operar, de convencernos para llevarnos lejos de Dios y conseguir que nos perdamos para siempre. Conocer estas tretas es una garantía de que podemos resistir y mantenernos fieles a la palabra de Dios.
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El padre Agustino Torres, CFR, nos invita a unirnos a él en el viaje hacia el desierto esta Cuaresma para volvernos santos, porque estamos creados para el cielo. ¿Estás listo para entrar al desierto con Jesús para experimentar la gracia, la libertad y la transformación con nuestro Señor?