Why be Catholic if Church leaders are scandalous? Dr. John Sehorn and Chris Stefanick talk about it.
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The Most Holy Trinity Sunday - June 7...
This week's readings highlight two of the key actions of God: first his love, and second, his giving. Through this we learn that love is an action, not a feeling, and that love is expressed in giving.
St. Bridget of Sweden | Catholic Saints
Join Dr. Carl Vennerstrom and Mary McGeehan as they dive into the life of this medieval saint: St. Bridget of Sweden. A wife, mother, and visionary, St. Bridget was an evangelist both inside and outside the home. St. Bridget's visions of Christ’s Nativity have greatly influenced its depiction in ...
Matrimonio y Orden Sacerdotal: Los sa...
Más que simplemente un contrato entre dos personas que están enamoradas, el Matrimonio fue creado por Dios como parte de Su plan para la humanidad. Cómo es que encajamos en ese plan puede depender de nuestra visión del Sacramento del Matrimonio y su significado profundo para el mundo.