Walking with Jesus on the Road to Emmaus - A Practice of Biblical Meditation
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Steve Ray teaches us the significance of Catholic Meditation by walking us through Luke 24, or the story of Jesus Walking with Two Men Through Emmaus. By using Lectio Divina, we can fill our minds with the Word of God. Learn from Steve to better understand the Bible and hear his voice through Scripture.
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Chapter 5: What is Holy Communion?
What does Holy Communion mean? It means this: "The Lord Jesus drawing close to us to be one with us." In the Eucharist, received with a proper disposition, we become what we receive. We become Christ, united in his mystical body, the Church. Christ sustains us in communion with Himself, as the ea...
¿Quién es Jesús?
Estas son verdades trascendentales para la fe de nosotros los cristianos; Jesús es verdadero Dios y verdadero Hombre, la Trinidad, la verdad entorno a la naturaleza de nuestra filiación con Jesús, cómo es que somos hijos de Dios y qué significa esto y más aún, cuál es la verdad de nuestra natural...
Isaac Hecker and the Journey of Catho...
Isaac Hecker's story is ultimately an American story about someone who not only spent his life trying to experience God acting in the world, but who also tried to build bridges so others could join him on that journey. No matter what one's religious background might be, Isaac Hecker and the Journ...
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