In their last episode, Taylor Kemp and John Doheny talked about the value and role of technology today. Today, they continue the discussion, focusing on ways to purify our bad technology habits so that our devices become forces for good.
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Chapter 21: Community is Crucial
This chapter is incredibly impactful because most of what we already do as parishes falls under the category of catechesis. Julianne Stanz gives us some creative ways to reinforce what we already are doing well and to rethink some of the ways we have always done things. How can we best create a t...
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time—March 3, ...
Imagine that you and Jesus are standing in today's Gospel reading under a fruit tree, loaded with ripening fruit. Jesus points to the fruit and says, "A good tree does not bear rotten fruit . . .every tree is known by its fruit." In prayer, ask Jesus to show you areas where you are not bearing go...
Liderazgo | Firme en la Brecha | Epis...
Los hombres han de convertirse en líderes desarrollando su carácter. El liderazgo de verdad busca la grandeza en uno y en los demás. Robert Yates analiza su desempeño en la Fuerza Aérea y subraya la importancia de ser líderes serviles.