Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage is a beautiful, 30 minute contemplative documentary. This film cinematically walks through the locations of the Holy Week story, re-presenting the most important days of human history. Immersed in the real and sacred places of the Holy Land, the pilgrim faithful is brought tangibly nearer to the story, the landscape, and the reality of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Triduum draws Catholics and those with open hearts and minds to experience a deeper understanding of these events and places, and offers rich meditations for the pilgrimage of daily life. Now more than ever, as many of us are confined to our homes, journey along this spiritual pilgrimage and be drawn more deeply into the life and love of God.
Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage is the Augustine Institute's gift to the world for Holy Triduum - available on FORMED and free for everyone through Easter.
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To offer The Search at your parish, visit our parish webpage which includes a free coordinator manual. Purchase The Search guides and journal at Catholic.Market/the-search/.
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