The Presentation | Episode 5 | Mysteries of the Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries
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St. John Paul II tells us that in the midst of The Joyful Mysteries, the 4th and 5th decades point to the drama yet to come. The Presentation is already foreshadowing the Cross. The offering Mary makes at the Presentation in the Temple becomes manifested and reaches its
fulfillment at Calvary. It’s the initiative of God the Father to offer His one and only Son for our salvation. Mary willingly makes the gift of the Son with the Father. She participates in this gift of salvation. In the face of Jesus, Simeon sees this salvation before his very eyes. The Messiah has come, returned to the temple and is the temple. Representing Israel and all of humanity, Simeon’s long wait is over. Jesus satisfied the greatest longing of the human heart.
Dr. Lenny DeLorenzo
Sr. Faustina Maria Pia
Sr. Alexia Zaldivar
Dr. Katie Cavadini-Pagliarini
Fr. Christopher Meyer
Katie Hartfiel
Fr. Jude Ezuma
Steve Bollman
Dr. Peter Kreeft
Dr. John Bergsma
Dr. Stephen Hildebrand
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