Mark Hart gives a refresher on the Acts of the Apostles, which show us how to live as brothers and sisters in Christ led by the Holy Spirit.
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Episode 7 | Catholic Commentary on Th...
Join Dr. Michael Barber and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger as they continue discussing Season 3 of The Chosen. In this episode, they unpack the historical background of the Decapolis, the depiction of the apostles struggling to understand Jesus' words, and the tradition of John as the beloved disciple.
Discernment of Spirits
Dr. Tim Gray and Dan Burke of the Avila Institute discuss the Discernment of Spirits.
The Role of the Parishioner
We Christians are here on earth as exiles. Many of us grow up in middle class Christianity. The danger with that is that we have everything we want and as a consequence we don't really long for heaven. In this episode we learn what the role of the parishioner is in the Catholic Mass.