This episode may contain content referring to sexuality. While the show contains no profanity or graphic images, references to sexuality may upset very young viewers and other audiences. We would recommend Parental Guidance and that parents preview it before watching with children.
How many genders are there?
Depends on who you ask. According to Facebook, there are over 50. Tumblr lists over 500!
Gender dysphoria has gotten out of control. And it’s everywhere, from grade schools to pro sports.
But what do you actually do when someone demands to be called by a different gender? Be nice and affirm them, or just refuse to accept it?
There’s a third option:the Catholic way. My friend Jason Evert is here to tell us about it.
Jason’s spent years talking to teens and young adults about the Catholic perspective on gender and sexuality. Here on the show, we discuss:
What research is finally revealing about “gender affirmation surgery.”
Why we need to move beyond gender stereotypes.
How to talk to people you love about this sensitive topic.
Who’s going to be the most influential group against gender dysphoria in the future (and it’s not the Christians).
If you want to uphold the truth about gender with true love and compassion, this episode’s for you!
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