Set against the legendary surfing scene of southern California, this episode of the City of Saints tells the story of Matthew, a local surfer who lacerated his eye in a surfing accident on one fateful day. The ensuing story of physical and spiritual recovery that followed is full of miracles, healing, and hope for the future.
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Pentecost Novena — Day 1 — May 19, 2023
Join us in praying the original novena with the apostles as we await the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4) at Pentecost.
View all days of the Pentecost Novena
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Hope and Trust Rosary: Luminous Myste...
When we pray, we don’t always know how to articulate the fear and anxiety that is gripping us. Yet when we bring our fears out of the shadows and into the light, they lose their power. May these prayers inspire you with hope and trust, lighten your burden, and give you confidence in God's love fo...
Learning the REAL history of St. Patr...
A lot of misconceptions exist about St. Patrick and his feast day in modern America. Instead of celebrating one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the Church, people tend to observe St. Patrick’s Day by indulging, but there’s so much more to know about St. Patrick than a shamrock and ...