St. Gregory of Nazianzus | Catholic Saints
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Dr. Chris Mooney shares about St. Gregory of Nazianzus, a 4th-century saint who served as the Bishop of Constantinople during the second ecumenical council in 381. Tradition has assigned him the title The Theologian, as he lived, wrote, and preached during the golden age of patristic theology.
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Real Forgiveness Is R.A.R.E.
Award-winning author Marge Fenelon delves into the process of forgiveness. She acknowledges the extreme difficulty of forgiving your wrongdoers and provides steps to obtain healing by entrusting your pain to our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Symbolon (Portuguese) // Sessão 1
Na Igreja Católica, há sete sacramentos que são parte da vida espiritual
de um Cristão desde o nascimento até a morte. Eles são sinais da graça
instituída por Cristo para conceder-nos sua vida divina através da ação do
Espírito Santo.
Mas o que são esses sacramentos? Por que eles são necessár...