Dive into the lives of Holy Women You’ve Never Heard Of with Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Dr. Jessica Murdoch. St. Brigid lived as a princess, queen, and mother! She models how holiness is possible through many vocations and seasons of life.
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Proclaim the Gospel to Every Creature
How do we know today what Jesus really said and taught over 2000 years ago? Where do we go to truly know and understand all that God has revealed? In this chapter, we will be exploring how Jesus Christ himself established the Church as the "pillar and bulwark of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15) and ho...
What Do Catholics Believe About Misca...
God allows miscarriages in his permissive will, but these tragic losses are incredibly difficult for us to understand.
The word “miscarriage” has a poor connotation: losing a child in the womb is not the fault of the mother. Although we may never understand on this side of heaven why these painf...
El Matrimonio hecho para el amor y la...
Este video invita a los espectadores a entrar a la apasionante historia de un matrimonio fiel de 50 años de casados y una pareja joven escéptica sobre el matrimonio. Este programa puede ser utilizado con la guía de estudio para entender el significado único del matrimonio a través de la reflexión...