St. André Bessette | Catholic Saints
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St. André Bessette, devoted to St. Joseph and emulator of his humitly, served as a brother in the Congregation of Holy Cross in Montreal. Serving as a college porter, André welcomed daily visitors and the sick. Dr. Elizabeth Klein shares about the thousands of miracles associated with the intercession of this saint and reminds us about the prevalence of miracles, even today!
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Generosity | Themes | The Bible Project
In the story of the Bible, God is depicted as a generous host who provides for the needs of his guests. However, humans live from a mindset of scarcity and hoard God’s many gifts. In this video, we explore God’s plan for overcoming our selfishness by giving the ultimate gift of himself in the per...
2nd Sunday of Advent—December 9, 2018
Any experienced driver knows that a road that zig-zags takes longer than a straight path to get to a destination. The same is true spiritually, as we see in today's reading. But the question is: why were the roads to God crooked in the first place?
Meet the Professors: Dr. Scott Hefelf...
How did the professors at the Augustine Institute Graduate School arrive there? What motivated them to pursue years of education in order to teach theology for a living? In these conversations, the professors are interviewed about how they came to the Augustine Institute, what is unique about the...