Siempre una Madre
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En esta sesión vamos a resumir nuestra discusión del dogma de la Asunción de María al hablar de su historia en la Iglesia primitiva y cómo es celebrado en la liturgia de la Iglesia. Vamos también a aprender por qué podemos llamar a María con los títulos de Corredentora, Mediadora y Abogada sin disminuir el papel de Cristo como el 'único mediador entre Dios y el hombre' (1 Tim 2:5).
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Scriptures as a Key to Godly Womanhood
As women, we long to be loved, seen, and pursued. In this talk, Jackie Angel reminds us that Jesus is our Bridegroom who constantly pursues us, reminding us of our vocation to love.
A Marriage Made in Heaven: The Nuptia...
How can we be closer to God? Thomas Smith answers that we must encounter Jesus Christ and renew the vows of unity as Jesus the bridegroom and us as the bride. As God desires a relationship of intimacy and love, so do we strive to find that love. Seek out how to renew and revitalize your own vows ...
Pelegianism | Heresies | Episode 6
Can I earn God's love? Does God only help those who help themselves? Join Dr. Chris Mooney and Dr. James Prothro look into the heresy of Pelagianism, the antidotal perspectives from St. Therese, and the radical truth the Church teaches on God's great love, mercy, and salvation.