Session 8 | When A Loved One Dies By Suicide
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This film tells Tom and Fran Smith’s story of losing their daughter to suicide. Tom talks about different ways of grieving, and shares how he learned to grieve alongside his wife. He also discusses the importance of accepting our powerlessness, assimilating the death of our loved ones, and embodying our Catholic faith in our parishes and communities.
If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, or if you are concerned for the safety of someone you know, it is important to seek help immediately. Crisis phone numbers for several countries are listed below. If you are looking for local mental health services or information in another location or language, we encourage you to search online or reach out to your local parishes and health care providers.
Australia: 000 | Canada: 1-833-456-4566 or 911 | European Union: 112 | New Zealand: 111 | United States: 988 or 911 | United Kingdom: 999
Warning: Not suitable for children. This resource and films address difficult and sensitive topics, and may not be appropriate for a young audience. It is not recommended for people aged 17 and younger.
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Parte de una serie colaborativa de video de siete partes presentada por la USCCB y Catholic Relief Services sobre la enseñanza social católica. Aprende de la Hermana Ruth Bolarte, el Cardenal Luis Antonio Tagle y Sean Callahan mientras dialogan sobre cómo todos somos parte de una familia humana.
Novena to St. John Paul II - Day Nine
You can download the PDF of these prayers here:
¿Cómo mejorar mi relación con mi hijo...
Lupita Venegas Leiva, tiene una Licenciatura en Psicología y Maestría en Terapia Familiar y Ciencias de la Familia. Es autora de libros de desarrollo humano y espiritual y brinda asesoría familiar en programas de radio, televisión e impartiendo conferencias en México, Centroamérica y Estados Unid...