Scripturally Speaking: Transforming Your Conversations
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What is the secret to raising children who will be practicing adult Catholics? Speaker Curtis Martin shares insightful tips on instilling faith in your children and inspiring them to be lifelong followers of Christ. Learn from Curtis to raise children of the Lord.
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Ustedes son la sal de la tierra y la ...
Luis Soto desarrolla el tema de la influencia y la importancia de los hispanos en los Estados Unidos. Se refiere a nuestra labor como Cristianos al salir de la Iglesia. Cita el Arzobispo de Denver: "La Iglesia no es una iglesia para la Iglesia. La Iglesia es una iglesia para el mundo." Hay que vi...
Bread for the Journey (Vietnamese) | ...
The Eucharist sustains us on our spiritual journey. Our participation at Mass through the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist is an offering of thanksgiving to God. We are then sent forth to share what we have received.
Tears of Christ - Day 30